Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An A-word?!

Hey you guys! Emily here, to talk about my newest obsession,
 one of my favorite authors of all time (and a long time family friend!), 

Joy Preble!
(Yes I did have to put her name as a rainbow, she's just that awesome.)
 She's a YA author, and has written 4, count em, 4 books you can buy, including;
(A very cool trilogy set in Chicago about Anne and her adventures with Ethan and Russian folklore. I HIGHLY recommend these books, they're a fast paced read with a wonderful storyline for each!)

and now...

the new...

(drumroll please...)

It's a story set in Houston, Texas and I'll give you the description that she does, so I won't spoil anything. :)

"14-year-old Jenna Samuels is being poisoned. So she does the unthinkable: gets in a car with her stoner brother Casey. They crash rushing to the hospital, and Jenna awakes in the ER to find that Casey has died - and come back as her guardian angel. He's now nauseatingly attractive to everyone and even more annoying to her, but they must work together to uncover the shocking truth about her poisoning and what it has to do with their father's disappearance."

Sound good?  
(Well, it is.)

I got my copy this afternoon, (signed! YAYAYAYAYAY!) and I've only read about an hour and a half's worth (ie: halfway through it, I read quickly) but I can tell you guys one thing. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING.
It combines the perfect amount of jokes, teenagerisms, and language.
I recommend picking up a copy soon, and I guarantee, you won't regret it. ;)

(You can go check her out at her website, on her blog, or stalk, I mean follow her on twitter @joypreble)

On another note, Annabelle, River and I are going to have a hectic schedule for the next few weeks as some of us are going to summer camp. So, we'll probably be on hiatus for a little bit, and we'll keep you guys updated with posting when we can. 

As always,

and see you next... well... soon, no.... that's not it...  
sometime in the future.
If I feel like it. 

'Til then!

EDIT: Check out Camp Nanowrimo, a fun adventure for writers, professional or not, to embark on, starting July first! I will definitely be participating, so you should too! (Link here

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hey people, it's Annabelle here again. 

So today was the 'official' last day of school for us here in (enter place here) and I'm sooooo happy to finally have to be rid of teachers and annoying people for the summer! 

My computer has not been working lately so I am surprised it is letting me type this much on it. 

ANYWAY..... FINALLY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None of my pictures are loading correctly ( I really need to figure out what's wrong with my computer) so I'm going to stick to TYPING HAPPILY IN CAPS!!! 

List of things I will not miss over the summer

1. Annoying kids who don't want to learn and distract everyone else in the process

2. Teachers who have given up on their students

3. Projects 

4. Homework 

5. Waking up early

Just to name a few ( we all know I'm not the only one who will not miss these things either) but I must admit there are a few things I will miss but will hopefully get back next year....

1. My wonderful friends ( not talking about the ones I know for a fact I will be seeing a few times this summer ( River and Emily) :)        .)

2. Funny talks at lunch

3. Having weird conversations on the bus

4. Not having to be at home 

5. Making memories with people I may not see again...

ANYWAY.... SUMMER to me that will probably mean sitting in my room on the Internet or Netflix with a spray bottle of water to ward off my family. This should be interesting.....

Hope you all have a great weekend.  :)

Until next time,

- Annabelle ;D 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Well, as very few (i.e: River and Annabelle) of you know, tomorrow is the last day of school for us here in our town of I'MNOTGONNASAY. This is a cause for some celebration, right?


I'm just that kind of evil, so enjoy the feels!*
A question for the Sherlock fandom, thanks to colorsofmadness,
Which sound was louder? 
Sherlock's bones cracking when coming into contact with the cold, hard ground
 or John's heart breaking?

And I'm just getting started. 

Here's a beautiful Les Misérables/Torchwood mashup from Rosered624,
 Doesn't it kill your mortal hearts?

An old picture I rediscovered thanks to ayumisutcliff
Ah, that one just pulls at the heartstrings, no?
Not mine, since I don't have one. 

Right in the childhood, desensitizemecapn, right in the childhood.
Just look at the look on Dory's face... 

Now a short message from Amy, to Rory. (thatstrangehannahgirl)

Raggedy man, goodbye.

 And maybe, you don't want to go, thewickedsilence?

Haven't broken your heart and made you cry yet?
I can fix that.
(Well, for-shits-and-hiddles can.)
 Do you hear that? It's the sound of your heart snapping in two.
 Your tears are like this rain, (rise-and-fall-of-it-all)
 that pour on a sad David Tennant.

So, Happy Emily's-Gone-And-Ruined-Our-Lives-Through-Feels Day!**
This right here is a wonderful description of me today:


As always,
 and I'll be back on Friday. Maybe.***
 Maybe I'll bring more feels inducing pictures, maybe I won't. It's a gamble.

 'Til then!

*also because I know Annabelle wants to do a celebratory post tomorrow, so I'll let her have her fun. :)
**Now an official holiday, in my book. 
***Must be 18 years or older to enter, offer void in Utah. If dissatisfied with this post, please return unused portion for a full refund.