Thursday, May 16, 2013

Maybe I should cut my hair...

Hey it's Annabelle!

It's Thursday again and it surely was a long day. 

It all started when I woke up and tried to brush my hair.......
All day my hair was being extremely annoying and refusing to stay the way I wanted it too so I decided to make a list of problems long hair causes.

1. Can be difficult to brush
(I hate it when my hair does not want to be brushed and it ends up looking like a tornado attacked it)

2. Accidental weapon
(Accidentally hit someone in the face from turning too quickly)

3. Occasionally takes forever to style

4. Great target when someone is angry
(My friends love yanking on my hair when they get mad. It hurts after a while)

5. Easily tangled
(Especially when the wind blows)

6. Annoyingly hot in hot weather 
(Summer is the one time of the year I wish I had really short hair because with as long as my hair is now it becomes hot and sticks to my skin causing the heat to get worse)

7. Can be choked on
(In the wind my hair blows in my face and sometimes gets in my mouth and I choke on it. Never fun)

There are probably several more I could think of but I'm about to lose my wifi so I shall save them for another day. 
Long hair also has several advantages but for me it's mainly the problems I am shown so yeah.......
Well I don't want to leave this with only complaints so I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend and I will be back next week. :D

Until next time
Stay awesome 


  1. #RapunzelProblems.

    Also, for 7, I've had that happen to me.

    With YOUR hair. XD
    Your shampoo tastes great!

  2. Sittin outside on the roof typing this, I looked up to tsk at the wind and it choked me with my ponytail before I had the chance. Wind's got an attitude...

  3. SILLY WIND KNEEL BEFORE ME I AM YOUR MAS-*spluttering and choking*

    The wind still has a grudge against me for that one time... that... umm.... oh look a tree bye!
