GIRLtopia is all about imagining and getting one step closer to a perfect world for girls. Today, our assignment for the journey meeting is to create a Global Girl's Bill of Rights. To start this off, here's some statistics as to why we're doing this...
0 - the number of countries in the world where women's wages equal those of men.
1 - percentage of the world's assets held in the name of a women.
2 - percentage of senior management positions occupied by women in business worldwide.
50 - percentage of sexual assaults worldwide that are against girls 15 or younger.
53 - percentage of American 13-year-old girls who say they are unhappy with their bodies.
66 - percentage of 15- to 19-year-olds newly infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa who are girls
70 - percentage of the 1.5 billion people living on $1 a day or less who are female
75 - percentage of war fatalities that are women and children.
100 million - number of girls missing around the world.
Pretty dim prospects, right?
That's why we're doing this Bill of Rights, to change these statistics. So here's our list of how to start;
Global Girl's Bill of Rights
"We feel it is necessary to uphold girl's rights because all girls are equal to boys.
We declare these rights to be self evident, that all girls
- are just as equal as any boy,
- should have the power to own anything a boy can,
- can work just as hard as anyone else,
- don't all fit in the same model,
- are beautiful in their own ways,
- should be held to the same standard as boys,
- shouldn't be harassed just for being a girl,
- sisters to one another.
We hope by publishing this list, we can start making this world a GIRLtopia, and that one day, these won't be statistics anymore, but just things of the past.
Have a wonderful day, and we'll see you with River's regular post on Tuesday.
'Til then!
Emily, Annabelle, and River
GIRL POWER!!!!!!!!