Friday, May 31, 2013


Hello everyone! River here. Today I was asked to do friday's post, as my fellow blog-people are having Things. Unfortunatly, Annabelle informed me that friday was reserved only for photos:( so I can't post what I was going to. I'll either do it tomorrow or tuesday, though, so it's fine. I actually did a real thing this time:) ANYHOO, This. I'm tired, and it's getting late, so I'm just gonna use some files from my desktop and see how badly I can mess with your emotions. Enjoy!

So let's start off with a false sense of security. These beautiful people...

Ok. Nice and smile-y? 

Sorry, Emily. Supernatural stuff now. Although, with our constant fangirling you probably know enough about the show to get most of these even though you've never seen it.

*sniffles* well that backfired. I think I need to open a different folder...

Now some cats. Because it wouldn't be the internet if I didn't have cats.

Yes, yes. Cats are adorable. Settle down. Let's finish off with these things I marked as 'Light Feels'. Wonder what that means 0_0
UPDATE: I just looked at all of them and I still have no idea what it is. I mean, there's some happy fuzzy stuff like this...

And then I've got feelsy yet funny...

These lovely things that although may not be particularly sad, somehow trigger pain.

And then I've got these little bullets to the heart. None as bad as the actual 'feels' folder, but still...

asdugnrixabae everything I touch becomes feels.
I never meant this post to turn out like this...
I need to go sit and the corner and be disappointed in myself. Farewell, and enjoy this last few bits of randomness.

Whoops. May have gone a bit overboard. Ah well!