Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is this where the title goes...?

Hello, minions. River here.
So I've just spent the last twenty minutes trying to figure out how to
a) turn on my keyboard
b) log on
c) make a post.
Turns out, my keyboard was out of batteries and I was stubbornly entering the wrong password over and over. Ah well.
So apparently tuesdays are my days to make a post, but as I only learned this recently I don't really have anything to post. Normally I'd probably be able to think up something brilliant and hilarious on the spot, except today the part of my brain usually responsible for being clever and funny has been crouched in my head all day, whimpering and crying from feels. Whenever I wasn't busy with classwork (and sometimes when I was) Something along these lines was happening in my thoughts:
Actually, that was almost exactly what was was happening.
So long story short, I'm kind of a mess today, but I promise I'll be more prepared next week.

1 comment:

  1. trust me i know the feeling i have spent the last two hours screaming into my pillow. the internet will be my downfall i can absolutely guarantee it.


